Spicy Globe Basil Party Meatballs

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It’s my favorite time of the year, the holiday season has just started and there are plenty of parties to go to.

I always like to bring a special Basil treat to parties.

You’ll enjoy how easy these Party Meatballs are to prepare.  You can even freeze the meatballs ahead, so you can make extra.  When you want to prepare, just thaw the amount of meatballs you want, bake and add to the slow cooker with your sauce!  I take my slow cooker so the host can serve from the slow cooker and keep the Party Meatballs hot.

You will want to bring toothpicks to use to eat the little meatball appetizers with.  I like to find the toothpicks with the colorful little tops on them.

Click on the hyperlink below to download and print a full version of this recipe:

Spicy Globe Basil Party Meatballs


1 lb Hamburger Meat
1 package Sloppy Joe mix
1 Egg
1 bottle Heinz Chili Sauce
1 large jar Grape Jelly
1/4 cup fresh Spicy Globe Basil, chopped


An easy appetizer that you can use for any gathering is Spicy Globe Basil Party Meatballs. You can make several Party Meatballs ahead and freeze them. When you are ready to use, just take out the amount you want, thaw, bake and put in the slower cooker with the sauce.

Put the hamburger in a large bowl. Add sloppy joe mix and egg. Mix well. Once you have mixed everything thoroughly, form bite sized meatballs.

Arrange all the meatballs on an olive oil coated cookie sheet.

Place the meatballs in the refrigerator for at least an hour or overnight. This will help the meatballs to be firmer and they won’t break up when you are baking them in the oven.

Pre heat the oven at 400°F degrees, cook the meatballs in the oven for about 15 minutes. Turning every 5 minutes to brown on all sides.

Add Heinz chili sauce and grape jelly or jam in a slow cooker.

Turn the slow cooker to high to melt the jelly and add the fresh basil to the mixture (I’m adding Spicy Globe Basil).

Add the meatballs to the mixture in the slow cooker. And turn heat to low. Cook the meat balls for several hours together until the sauce is rich.

The Spicy Globe Basil Party Meatballs and the sauce is ready. You can either put them in a bowl and serve them, or can keep them in the slow cooker and serve them right from the slow cooker ensuring that they remain hot!

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