I am now offering Basil Seeds!!! You can check out the Basil Seeds that are available by either going to the Basil List tab on this blog and scrolling through the list and see hyperlinks for the seeds that are available.
I am adding to this list as fast as I can so keep checking…or you can go to Ramona’s Basil Garden Gifts and select Basil Seeds….
Here are just a few that I have just listed:
Marvelous dark red leaved Genovese, smooth broad leaf, same wonderful flavor as green, a real culinary eye catcher!
Genovese Red Freddy will not only add flavor, but also a beautiful color to your fresh salads, or fruits.
Genovese type basil with good, dark color. Similar to Aroma but with somewhat smaller leaves.
Some resistance to fusarium. Excellent for greenhouse production.
Holy Red-Green basil is also called “Holly Green, Tulsi basil and Indian Sacred Basil” this basil has a very strong flavor and scent and is favored by gourmet cooks all around the world. It is a great basil for Thai dishes.
A basil for gourmet cooks with a strong scent, green leaf.
This basil is used in stir fry. Combined together with garlic, fresh chilies and fish sauce, it gives a wonderful flavor to any meat or seafood.
Lettuce Leaf basil as you can see by the photograph has a strong resembles to lettuce, hence the name Lettuce Leaf basil.
The leaves are fragrant and the flavor is semi-mild with a spicy, clover-like flavor making this basil great for pesto. Popular seasoning for tomato dishes, soups, salads, fish and poultry.
Lettuce Leaf Basil earns its name with big, slightly serrated and crinkled leaves up to 4 inches wide and 6 inches long.
Italian Large Leaf basil is an Italian cook’s favorite basil. This basil is full of flavor and sweeter than most basil, it’s a perfect ingredient for pasta sauce or any Italian dish.
Italian Large leaf Basil is a sweet type basil for making Italian dishes, pesto and flavoring vegetables, poultry and fish.
It grows to over 2′ tall and has large leaves. You can even replace Italian Large Leaf Basil for lettuce on sandwiches!
Purple Dark Opal basil is one of the most attractive basil plants and will certainly be eye catching your garden. Glossy dark purple 2″ slightly ruffled leaf, sweet fruity taste, lilac blooms. This basil is great for salad vinegar mixes, in salads and as a garnish with any meal or dessert. It has a lovely scent and a fairly strong flavor. Also good for drying.
Purple Dark Opal Basil is normally fairly low maintenance and is normally quite easy to grow. Lots of people grow it for its beautiful decorative landscaping, but it is a culinary delight.
The bright green leaves make an attractive background for the purple-red stems with violet-pink flowers. The large plants mean more intense liquorice fragrance.
Thai Basil is known for its peppery zing and has a sweetness of licorice and anise flavor. This basil will also retain it’s flavors when cooked, unlike other basils.
Growing Thai Basil can be successful indoors and outdoors as long as there is plenty of sunshine. It like to be liberally watered and must be planted in well-irrigated soil so it will not have soggy feet!
Lemon basil is one of the most popular basils. It comes in all shapes and sizes. All lemon basil has both a lemon flavor and scent, some varieties are more potent than others.
Lemon basil goes well with any fish or seafood dish, dessert and pasta sauce if you like a tangy kick in your sauce.
The lemonlike aroma and taste in these basils is due to a high content of citral and the flowery fragrance of linalool. Over 200 species of plants produce linalool, which is the chemical that is found in the plants that create the scent. It is even said that the Lemon Basil is a Mosquito Repellent, so planting it in your gardens can help repel Mosquitos…
{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }
So great to see a basil site! I have a ton of basils just like you! I may even have a few Italian varieties you do not have if interested.
I was just wondering how many seeds are in a pack?
Curious, is the Red Freddy basil really red like in that picture? Or is it more like a purple? I never saw that before!
Thank you! There are between 25 – 100+ seeds per packet, it depends on the variety, even the 25 can be more….some are really expensive seeds….
Yes I’d be interested in learning what other Italian varieties you have. Red Freddy is like in the picture….
Love Your Basil
Red Freddy basil is NOT like in the picture. Red Freddy basil is a dark purple basil, just like many other purple basils. The picture you’re showing of Red Freddy basil is being used by many people selling it and the picture has been altered. You must not have grown this or you would know almost immediately that it is nothing like the color in the picture, regardless of the conditions it is grown in.
I do have to say that mine Red Freddy is a lighter purple….it could be the difference in the parent seeds….
The picture was not altered and I have grown myself….
Love Your Basil,
The picture is very, very red (not light purple or dark purple at all) and is being used by many different sellers on the internet, including on ebay. There are also true pictures available and they all show purple. I’ve never met anyone who has had it grow red like the picture. I would suggest posting a picture that is true to color.
Hi, do you have gecofure basil seeds? And I would like to ask from your experience, does the purple basil lose colour in stronger sun or insufficient sun? I bought one from my nursery but I do not know which variety it is. I suspect it’s opal which lost the colour. Thx!
Thank you for you interest in Basil! I don’t currently have Gecofure Basil Seeds, but please keep checking, I am always adding new varieties.
Purple Basil doesn’t usually loose it’s color and they love full sun….sometimes, they will come up green and turn purple, but most of them start purple and if they are a true purple color basil, they will remain purple. For example, the Holy Basil, the green and red, have both colors…
Love Your Basil,
Where can I get red Freddy in 1 to 5lb bulk seeds?
I’m so glad to hear that you love Red Freddy Basil…. Unfortunately my supplier doesn’t sell that large of quantity…. They are a family operation that has been able to supply me with my Basil seeds to offer to my folks for them to be able to grow at home.
So I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to help you.
Love Your Basil,
You can order seeds from me anytime! 🙂
Love Your Basil,
I just found you!I have a new treasure.Thank you.
Do you have licorice taste in any of your basil (available in seeds)?
We used to make our chicken ceasar salid with some.
I have a Licorice Basil…. 🙂 And an Anise Basil…