How to Build a Basil Grow Box

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Build a Basil Grow Box, step by step…

Grow BoxI wanted to help folks that want to grow Basil, or other herbs and vegetables in small areas (like on a balcony), or indoors.

I grew a tomato plant and basil in the grow box pictured and as you can see the tomato plant took off just a little more than I expected! lol

I grew tomatoes all winter long and the companion Basil plant loved the grow box too.

I’m not going to fib and say it’s an easy project, and it is time consuming, but the final Grow Box will last a very long time.  You can continue enjoying growing your favorite plants, like Basil all year long.

You can download the written instructions:

Build a Basil Grow Box

And you can watch me as I build it on my video:

Love Your Basil,