Love Your Basil eBook

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Hello, Ramona Here

If you love basil and learning all about basil you have come to the right place.  Here at Ramona’s Basil Garden it’s all about basil.  We learn to grow, care for and cook with basil in all its glory.

Just enter your name and email address and tell us where to send this great report all about basil.

The “Love Your Basil eBook” is a great starting resource as you start your journey growing and cooking with healthy, taste enhancing basil of all kinds.

Subjects you can read about in my “Love You Basil eBook” include culinary basils, how to grow basil from seeds, seed starting boxes, how to handle basil plants, harvesting methods, and storage of basils used in cooking.

Did you know we even have a basil seed exchange forum?

Stay tuned……One of the best aspects of our site is an exclusive member’s only area which is coming soon.