The Star of My Life, Joe David

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I think Joe David is a natural Star! After you read more about him, you will too.
Joe David is David’s son, my stepson. When I first met him, I couldn’t believe how tall he was!! Joe David is 6’3″ tall and he just towers over me. He has such a relaxed manner about him and can make anyone like him in just seconds. He is pictured here with his doggie, Bailey.
He was very involved in sports: Football, Baseball and he tried Basketball…he ran over the other team like he was on the football field, so basketball was short lived. In football he was a quarterback/tight-end and a defensive end. In baseball he was the catcher and sometimes first base. He was the person who makes the calls to the pitcher and stops the runs from coming in. He was the ‘big hitter’ on The Rookie baseball team. He had a very high batting average with lots of home runs.
I think his motto should be ‘Let’s Get’er Done!’
Joe David is very much a team player and when he would mow over the other football players it was so much fun to see the adrenalin rush that he had…he’d jump up and down, yelling ‘Yeah…’
In baseball, good luck if you were trying to score on his watch…he’d stand on the plate with his catcher’s mitt ready to catch the ball and tag the other team member out, or if he didn’t have the ball, the other team member would hit a solid brick wall! Yes, that’s Joe David. ‘Let’s Get’er Done!’
I didn’t know that since I was a former actress that I’d be competing for the screen with my own stepson. Yes, Joe David is semi-famous and was portrayed in the movie ‘The Rookie‘ with Dennis Quaid. Here’s the story and how Joe David played a very important part of putting Big Lake and the Big Lake Owls (really they were the Reagan County Owls) on the map.
The ‘G’ rated movie is a true tale of a small town coach who
challenged his team to win their district championship. The team in turn challenged Morris to fulfill his own dream and tryout for a major league baseball team. There was never any doubt the Owls would win the championship and when they did, Morris had to make good on his promise to go to the Major League tryout. Pictured in the picture to the right: Joaquin Campos, Jimmy Morris, Joel DeLaGarza, and Joe David Werst; the original Big Lake Owls. (Reagan County Owls)
The Owls played their schedule, made the challenge to Jimmy Morris, and the rest is history. Jimmy Morris went on to become the oldest rookie pitcher in the Major Leagues in 40 years. The Owls, called the Big Lake Owls in the movie, helped Morris make his spot in history.
Disney’s movie, ‘The Rookie‘, is about the life of Jimmy Morris and that magical season.
So that was Joe David’s moment in fame.
Now Joe David has his own business, ‘The Austin Fence Doctor‘ and he’s moved to the Hill Country and started ‘Hill Country Fence Doctor‘. I’m so proud that he has taken
his skills in building and repairing all kinds of fences from ranch fences, wrought iron fences, wood fences, and has started his own company and is making a living for himself. It’s really hard nowadays to own your own business, but through the internet, hard work and getting the word out, his phone is always ringing. And after he finishes a job the person is so pleased with the quality of work, that they are happy to refer the Austin/Hill Country Fence Doctor to plenty of other customers.
I’m so happy that Joe David is a part of my life, he is the ‘Star’ of my life and I know that we will all continue to have many adventures in the years to come.
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Nice post and I am happy that he found happiness. :))