Basil Gardeners use Worm Casting Tea

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Worm Casting Tea is great for plants

Many Basil Gardeners grow Basil in containers.  Many gardeners let their Basil plant grow and at the end of the season, harvest the Basil seeds and start over the next season.

To get a larger, more flavorful Basil harvest, Ramona talks to Jerry Schiller about making a Worm Casting Tea.  If you are planting directly in the ground, then you can use as much worm castings in the soil as you wish.  It will not burn or harm your plants.  If you are growing your Basil in a container, you can plant your Basil in the container using worm castings and then feed your Basil periodically with a worm casting tea.  The benefit of using a worm casting tea is that it will immediately feed the Basil and give nourishment to the roots.

Worm Casting Tea Recipe

1 cup Worm Castings
5 Gallons Water


Place the worm castings in a bucket and add the water.  Let sit for 2 days or until the water is a stained color.  Dip out the water and apply directly to your Basil plant (can be used for any plant).

When the bucket is empty, you can keep adding water until the water won’t stain.  Then swish the water around and pour in your garden.  Your garden will still benefit from the worm castings.

Here is the interview with Jerry Schiller…

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PhillipNo Gravatar June 19, 2014 at 4:04 am

I’m using worm tea for the first time on vegetable plants and the results are nothing short of astonishing. My mixture is as follows: 16-oz cup filled with worm castings, 5-gallons water, 1-Tbs Molasses, 1-Tbs Fish Fertilizer or a Kelp blend. Allow castings to soak for 24 hours or longer, stirring occasionally.

A bio-diesel bucket strainer (Basket Type) is handy to separate the solids from the worm-tea; this prevents plugging up a sprayer or sprinkling can. Root feeding and foliar applications have a positive effect on my tomato plants.


RamonaNo Gravatar June 19, 2014 at 10:29 am

Thank you for sharing….If you are using on your tomato plants, do you find the tomatoes sweeter? Mine are!


PhillipNo Gravatar July 6, 2014 at 1:15 pm

My tomato plants were transplanted six weeks ago and are now five feet tall in cages. Just picked a few Juliet grape tomatoes and wow the flavor is outstanding. Also have an heirloom golden summer squash from Russia, and its very tasty.


RamonaNo Gravatar July 6, 2014 at 2:44 pm

I’m so glad your tomatoes are so delicious!!! And Your Squash too! Worm Casting Tea is like magic and I just can’t say enough about it!

Whenever someone asks what the secret to delicious vegetables are, I always say it’s Worm Castings and Worm Casting Tea!

Do you grow any Basils around your tomato plants? They are great companion plants and to pick a couple of leaves and serve on a sliced tomato with fresh mozzarella, a drizzle of olive oil and some salt, is out of this world! 🙂

Love Your Basil,


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