Cinnamon Basil Pumpkin Pie

This year I am making a new fresh Cinnamon Basil Pumpkin Pie. This is not your traditional Pumpkin Pie.
Replacing ground cinnamon with fresh Cinnamon Basil and adding honey, makes this a fresh, rich tasting, pumpkin pie.
So if you are not a fan of pumpkin pie, please try this fresh Cinnamon Basil Pumpkin Pie!
You can download and print out the recipe and complete step by step instructions, click on the below hyperlink:
Cinnamon Basil Pumpkin Pie
1 medium Pumpkin
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
9″ single deep dish pie crust
1/2 teaspoon ground Ginger
1 tablespoon fresh Cinnamon Basil
1 teaspoon Salt
4 Eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup Honey, warmed slightly
1/2 cup Milk
1/2 cup heavy Cream
Taking seeds out of the pumpkin
We have all heard about making delicious pumpkin pies, but I’m going to make a pumpkin pie that replaces ground cinnamon basil which with cinnamon basil.
Cut the top off the pumpkin, slice the pumpkin in half.
Make sure the outer layer of the pumpkin is washed.
Remove the seeds from the inside of the pumpkin by scraping the inside with a spoon. Make sure all the seeds are removed from it. Once seeds are removed, you can bake the removed seeds and can use them as a nutritious snack.
Spray the inside and the edges of the pumpkin with olive oil. Spray the olive oil on both the slices of the pumpkin. Turn both the pieces upside down and Place on a cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees F until a fork or knife can go through the shell easily.
Cutting Cinnamon Basil
Whenever you are clipping a basil plant, take the larger leaves where there is new growth and make sure you are not clipping the new growth. Or you can clip the stragglers that you do not like to grow out of the pot.
Cut enough for the recipe. If you have clipped more than that, you can always freeze it for future use.
Washing the Cinnamon Basil
Since the Basil is organic, it is important to rinse the Basil thoroughly. Rinse the leaves with either cool or cold water so that it will liven up the Basil leaves.
The amount of Basil to be added to the recipe completely depends on your personal taste. However, if you have pinched off more leaves than you are going to use right away, save them in a ziplock bag, and label them. You can always use the frozen Basil in other great Basil recipes.
Since we are going to blend the Basil into recipe, it is important for you to cut the leaves in to tiny pieces with the help of a kitchen utility knife. The Cinnamon Basil will add plenty of spicy taste to the recipe.
Mixing the ingredients
Once the pumpkin is out of the oven, scrape out the pumpkin from its shell and put it in a large bowl.
Puree the Cinnamon Basil leaves with milk in a container and set aside. You can use a blender or a food processor.
I use a hand held beater to mix everything together….it just seemd to go easier.
While you are beating the scraped out pumpkin, go ahead and add spices and salt. Turn off the beater; add a slightly beaten egg. Start blending it all again and add a cup of warm honey, milk with the cinnamon basil.
Beat the whole mixture until smooth. You will now notice that the mixture is greenish and also very runny. However, the mixture will thicken up on cooking and also will darken up a bit.
Pour the mixture into a deep dish pie shell. Fill it to the rim, you can use a pie guard over the crust or foil so that it will not burn the edges of the pie crust.
Bake at 350 degrees F approximately 30 to 45 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the filling comes out clean.
The pumpkin pie is out of the oven. The color of the pumpkin pie changes due to honey, even though the taste differs from that of a traditional pumpkin pie, it is very delicious with unique Cinnamon Basil flavor.
It’s a unique way of making a pumpkin pie that tastes great and allows you to ‘Love your Basil.’
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Ramona, When you say 1 tablespoon of fresh cinnamon basil in your recipe, how do you measure 1 tablespoon? I’m new at using fresh basil in recipes. Do you cut up the leaves? Thanks, Kathy
Yes. I pinch off the leaves from the plant leaving at least 1/3 of the plant’s leaves so not to damage the plant. Then wash the leaves thoroughly and use utility scissors to cut up the basil. Then measure. Make sure the leaves are loosely packed when you measure and not pressed. 🙂 This pie recipe is really different, it’s not like the normal Pumpkin Pie with a Cinnamon Spice taste. The Cinnamon Basil adds just a hint of spice taste. But it’s really delicious. And for folks that don’t like pumpkin pie because of the spices, they will enjoy this pie! Good luck and let me know how it turns out! 🙂
Thank you – this is a very useful blog
I don’t always agree with you (thank God, that would be boring), but I have to tell you you are a great writer.
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